Strategy Director
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Canadian Society For Medical Laboratory Scientists

Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS)

TASK: Stop CSMLS member decline
STRATEGY: Get members to see more value in belonging to the organization by raising their profile amongst the public

PROBLEM: Medical lab work is seen as a function behind the healthcare system, not an essential group of people that keeps it ticking
TRUTH: Humans have an innate curiosity with how things work, despite only ever needing the end result
PROPOSITION: Medical laboratory professionals keep the gears of healthcare in motion

• +65% CSMLS members who see the organization “performing well” at raising their public profile
• +16% year-over-year member retention (halted 7-years of member decline)
• $2.59 revenue generated for every $1.00 spent
• 2021 Effie, finalist
• 2021 Strategy Awards, bronze

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