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Posts in Product Development
Vertical farms nailed tiny salads. Now they need to feed the world

“Infarm has shipped over a thousand of its “farms” to shops and chefs across Europe (and a few in the US). These units, which look like jumbo vending machines, grow fresh greens and herbs in rows of trays fed by nutrient-rich water and lit by banks of tiny LEDs, each of which is more than ten times brighter than the regular bulb you’d find in your dining room. Shoppers pick the plants straight from the shelf where they’re growing.”

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TikTok is nothing new – to marketers, it’s just another ad platform

“We’ve lived through a decade of conference bullshit about reducing the duopoly’s grip on the digital advertising dollar through new ‘hard-hitting’ government policies or worthy (very temporary) advertiser bans. Both Google and Facebook have pretended to listen and learn but have actually just charged on regardless, with barely a blip in the respective EBITDAs. There was never any real potential to derail these two spectacular companies. If anything, the threat of sanction helped both platforms appear to be challenged when nothing could have been further from the truth.”

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Nintendo Labo review

“Walking someone through a complex task without being in the room is an incredibly tough nut to crack. Labo does it so well and with so much charm that it seems effortless. This aspect of the kits will likely be invisible to the folks who have an easy time building their contraptions, never having to consider the alternate universe in which the build is joyless and frustrating. The tutorials, in this way, are an impressive feat of design, writing and execution.”

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